May 26 - Saint Philip Neri, priest, founder of the Oratorian Fathers (d. 1595 in Rome)

"It has been granted to me to save Christians from imminent and deserved punishments"

The Shrine of Santa Maria del Fonte (St. Mary of the Spring, also called Our Lady of Caravaggio) was built between the 16th and 18th centuries, near the town of Bergamo, Italy. Its construction, begun in 1575, was championed by St. Charles Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan.

The site was blessed by an apparition of the Virgin Mary on May 26, 1432, to a young peasant girl of the region, Giannetta de'Vacchi. Mary appeared to her dressed as a queen. She introduced herself as Mary, Mother of God, told the girl not to be afraid, and entrusted her with the following message:

"It has been granted to me to save Christians from the imminent and deserved punishments of Divine Justice, and to come and announce Peace."

The Virgin left several instructions, among which was the request to build a chapel at the place of the apparition. This was done shortly afterwards, until it was replaced by the present church. Tradition attributes a miraculous origin to the spring located under the main altar and still flowing today. The pilgrims who visit this majestic sanctuary in Bergamo draw water from it. This church was elevated to the rank of minor basilica by Saint Pope Pius X in 1906.

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