May 17 - Our Lady of the Holy Desire (Italy, 1890)

Praying the Rosary every day for victims of paedophilia

© Jean pour le pèlerinage du rosaire 2021
© Jean pour le pèlerinage du rosaire 2021

Anaïs Janssens, a 27-year-old mother from the Var region of France, participated in the Rosary pilgrimage in Lourdes. She fought back some tears when evoking Pope Francis' call for the faithful around the world to pray the Rosary every day for the victims of paedophilia.

Without wishing to reveal too much about the subject, Anaïs confided that she felt concerned. "In our family, we carry a lot of baggage related to this," she says. "Our grandmother was raised in a Catholic family where people didn't say anything." 

In her next rosary, the young woman plans to offer her prayers for the victims: that they will find the strength to speak out. "Victims of pedophile crimes should not be angry with God," Anaïs insists. "Anger is natural, but nobody can find peace in a path of hatred. Forgiveness is a grace that victims must seek."

Close to the Dominican family, the young woman has done the Rosary pilgrimage with her mother since she was 6 years old. "My mother became ill the year I was 9 years old. The doctors found out that she had HIV" she explains. "They predicted that she would be dead by the time I was 15. I am now 27 and she is still here."

That's why Anaïs has such a strong faith in the rosaries she says every day "on the way to pick up the kids." Anaïs prays for the healing of her mother, the conversion of her husband and, more broadly, for all the world's woes...

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