May 11 - Our Lady of Peace (Antipolo, Philippines)

Philippes: Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey in Antipolo City

© KTO TV, via YouTube
© KTO TV, via YouTube

Antipolo City is located on a hill, 28 km from Manila, in the Philippines. It is home to a statue of the Black Madonna, covered with a white mantle sewn with gold and precious stones.

Mary has been venerated there since the early 17th century under the title of "Our Lady of Peace and Good Journey" after she saved some sailors from a dangerous situation: a gunpowder container on board their ship came into contact with fire, but miraculously did not explode.

Several churches were built to house the statue, each one destroyed over time in a fire or bombing, but each time, the statue of Our Lady miraculously remained intact. The latest was in 1942, when the church was destroyed by Japanese bombing.

During the month of Mary (May), 40,000 to 50,000 people attend Mass in the Shrine.


Attilio Galli, 

In Madre della Chiesa dei Cinque continenti, Ed. Segno, Udine, 1997, pp. 435-443

Marian Encyclopedia

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