May 8 - Our Lady of the Rosary (Pompeii, Italy, 1875)

The wonderful effects of devotion to Mary (II)

Mary sustains us when we are ready to fall; lifts us up when we have fallen; takes us back, as a charitable Mother, when we fail. St. Bernard tells us that in following her we do not go astray. A true child of Mary will not be deceived by the evil one, nor will he fall into any formal heresy. For where Mary's guidance is, neither the evil spirit with its illusions, nor the heretics with their clevernesses are to be found.

She defends and protects us from our enemies, she hides us under the wings of her protection, like a hen with her chicks. She surrounds us and accompanies us like an army arrayed in battle. Never has a servant who has entrusted himself to Mary succumbed to the malice, the number, and the strength of his enemies.

She intercedes for us with her Son and appeases him with her prayers, and she unites us to him with a very intimate bond and keeps us there.

The more, therefore, we win the benevolence of this august Princess and faithful Virgin, the more pure faith we will have in all our conduct, a pure faith, which will make us care little for the sensible and the extraordinary; a lively faith animated by charity, which will make us do our actions only from the motive of pure love; a faith as firm and unshakeable as a rock, which will make us remain firm and constant in the midst of storms and torments; an active and piercing faith which, like a mysterious master key, will give us entry into all the mysteries of Jesus Christ, into the final ends of man and into the heart of God Himself; a courageous Faith, which will make us undertake and come to the end of great things for the sake of God and the salvation of souls, without hesitation. Finally, a faith that will be our all-powerful weapon which we will use to enlighten those who are lukewarm or in need of charity, and finally to resist the devil and all the enemies of salvation.

By this practice, faithfully observed, you will give more glory to Jesus Christ in one month than by any other, though more difficult, in many years.

Wonderful effects of the devotion to Mary

Source: www.reinedesanges


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