May 7 - Our Lady of Monticino (Italy, 1776)

The wonderful effects of devotion to Mary (I)

© Michel Pourny
© Michel Pourny

By the light that the Holy Spirit will send us through Mary, his dear Spouse, we will know our evil nature, our corruption and our inability to do any good; we will despise ourselves as a result of this knowledge and we will think of ourselves with horror, looking at ourselves as a snail that poisons everything with its slime, or as a malicious snake that thinks only of deceiving. Finally, the humble Mary will share with us her profound humility, so that, because we despise ourselves, we will no longer despise anyone and will love being treated with contempt.

Like the best of all mothers, Mary tends lovingly to our needs, especially for those who love her.

She loves us tenderly because she is our true Mother; because, being predestined, God loves us; because we are consecrated to her; because we are her portion and heritage. Her love for us is active and effective, made to obtain for us the blessing of the heavenly Father. She uses every possible opportunity to do something good for us. She drives away all the evils from her servants and fills them with all kinds of good things, giving them the grace to overcome them with faithfulness. She offers us good advice.

By our perfect offering to her of ourselves and our own merits and satisfactions, Mary makes us her own children, worthy to appear before our heavenly Father; changing our clothes with clean, new, precious and fragrant garments, that is, those of Jesus Christ, her Son.

She gives us to eat the Bread of Life that she has formed. She is the treasurer and dispenser of the gifts and graces of the Most High; she gives a good portion, and the best, to feed and provide for her children and servants. She leads and directs us according to the will of her Son, showing us the paths to eternal life and helping us to avoid dangers.

Wonderful effects of the devotion to Mary 


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