May 5 - Coptic Patriarch of Egypt Kyrillos VI approves the apparitions of Zeitoun in Cairo (1968)

While praying the Rosary, "I felt like a veil of simplicity and humility falling over me"

Marie Yasmine, 48, tells of her encounter with the Virgin Mary a few years ago:

"I have always felt Jesus near me. At the age of 2, I made the sign of the cross, although I had never learned it in my family: my father is a Muslim; my mother, a Catholic, was not practicing. One day, about ten years ago - I was a volunteer in a palliative care facility at the time - I went to the hospital's small chapel before starting my shift. There, at the back of the room, I knelt before the tabernacle; next to me, a young woman I didn't know was also praying, but before a statue of the Virgin Mary. Suddenly, I had the feeling that our two prayers were intertwined, answering each other.

A few hours later, I met this young woman again at lunch. She was a volunteer, like me. We talked about our spiritual journeys, which were similar. Later, we met again, and she suggested that we pray the rosary together. Until that day, I had never finished it, as I found it a bit boring! But on that day we prayed a whole rosary and I felt as if a veil of simplicity and humility covered me, at the same time as an intense physical burning flooded me. I wept copiously.

I had the image of Mary before me, her hand protecting the world. I instantly felt that she was opening a path to the Lord and calling me to trust him. My friend had introduced me to the presence of Mary. For the first time in my spiritual life, which was deep but still based on rationality, I experienced an encounter, with a burning urgency.

I have been consecrated to Our Lady since 2016, and have placed her at the center of my life. Since then, my volunteering as a hospitaler in Lourdes has taken on a much more intense meaning. I now entrust my decisions to Mary because I know that she goes before me."

Adapted from and translated from:

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