March 1 - Our Lady of Machaby (Italy, 1800) - 12th apparition in Lourdes (France, 1858)

“Mary’s gaze purified, her silence uplifted, her smile instructed”

© Havang(nl), CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.
© Havang(nl), CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Here is what Jesus himself told Maria Valtorta (1) about His Mother:

“Mary has attracted millions of creatures to Herself with these gentle arms of hers. She evangelized before I did with her reserved silence and her indescribable smile. It was enough for Her to appear in order for harsh or impure words to be hushed, resentment to collapse, and pains to be soothed. Her gaze purified, her silence uplifted, and her smile instructed.

Nazareth remained perfumed by Her for a long time after her departure. The nascent Church was consolidated by virtue of her silence and her smile, more eloquent than all words, for from it there showed through the face of God and the truth of her mission. I ask you only to look at and imitate my Mother and yours.

Grow in spiritual beauty to resemble Her; from Her learn the silence which speaks to God and of God and the smile which teaches faith, generosity, and charity. Always look at my sweet Mother so as to see Her clearly at the hour of death. Whoever dies in Mary immediately has Jesus. Contemplate Mary and receive my peace. Nothing else is needed to be happy.”

Jesus to Maria Valtorta 

Notebook of 1943 - September 8, 1943

(1) Maria Valtorta (1897-1961) was a Catholic visionary who wrote 122 notebooks, almost 15,000 handwritten pages, with descriptions of visions and revelations received principally between 1943 and 1951. Her main work is "The Poem of the Man-God", published in 10 volumes, whose publication was encouraged by Pius XII ("Publish it, he who reads will understand"), but her works were then put on the Index for a while, until it was lifted. The Church has not yet made an official pronouncement on them, but the Servants of Mary distribute the writings of Maria Valtorta who is buried in a chapel in the Basilica of Florence.

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