June 21 - Coptic Church: Feast of the Visitation of Mary - Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Jesuit novice (d. 1591)

Former atheist and occultist converted by Mary (II)


Former atheist and occultist William Toro is a Catholic apologist who spends most of his life defending the faith with theological and philosophical arguments.

One day, while he was still an atheist, his girlfriend - who is now his wife - asked that he attend a spiritual retreat and, with some distrust of his entire past, he agreed to go. This decision completely changed his life. Toro attended the retreat, and the leading missionary invited everyone to turn to God.

“That retreat was where I tried to challenge God with the humility that I could have at that moment, a grace of humility that God gave me at that moment and I started to say to him: ‘Okay, here I am, you’ve already taken a first step, if you exist, do the rest.'”

But Toro never imagined what would happen.

“That’s where it all started. I saw her there [shows the image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal]. In front of me came a fog from the ground that covered everything…I got scared, I started shaking, my hand was sweaty, but it was cold. She was up front and she said to me, ‘Son, we’ve been waiting for you.’”

As a “good” atheist, after this mystical experience, he began looking for reasons to conclude that what he saw and heard was not real. But the opposite happened.

“During the entire retreat, I also had a very strong liberation process, in which even Saint Michael the Archangel, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina were present…I had to choose a side.”

And so, after these supernatural experiences, Toro converted to Catholicism and his life completely changed.

“God allows all of this so that others can say, ‘If these scum can do it, so can I.'”


Andres Jaromezuk, March 20, 2023


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