June 6 - Saint Marcellin Champagnat (1789-1840), founder of the Little Brothers of Mary (Marists)

"I have never felt so much peace as in this place"

© enjosmith via Flickr
© enjosmith via Flickr

Does God exist? What is the point of living? Why make any effort?

When I was 20, my life suddenly stopped making sense.

I had thought that life was easy and fun. I learned in business school that cheating, lying, crushing others to get ahead was the real world. What was the point of all those good principles I had been taught if everyone just did what they wanted to do? Besides, were there any good principles? It felt it was stupid to be a good person.

I preferred my night life to my day life: I went to clubs almost every night, flirted, drank, and I went out with someone just for fun. Everyone did it as a recipe for happiness, so it must be true. No matter how hard I tried, I felt emptier and emptier. The student parties where many put on fake smiles, the betrayed friendships, the romantic disappointments, all of this was gradually making me feel disgusted and I was thinking: is life worth living? I didn't want to ask myself any questions, just go from one party to the next, without taking the time to think about it so as not to lose my mind! Did the truth exist, and why would the Catholic Church be the only one to hold it?

[...] I was in this state of mind when I heard a person who did not believe in God say that she was sure of his existence and that she had been on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje (1). She finished her story by saying, "I can't explain what I experienced there, you have to go there to understand. I have never felt so much peace!"

So I decided to go. I had nothing to lose and I certainly didn't have peace: why not try?

I can't describe what I experienced there either, but I found the answers to all my questions and even more. I will never doubt the existence of God again. I have never felt so much peace as I did in that place.

Life is beautiful and it has a meaning!

Corinne, summer 2017

Source: www.clubmedl.com 

(1) Medjugorje is a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the Balkans, where Our Lady has appeared since 1981

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