June 2 - Our Lady Della Fossetta (Novellara, Italy)

St John Bosco’s young charges kept a dying benefactor alive through their prayers

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In Italy, an old friend of Don Bosco's, Commander Cotta, a senator, was slowly dying at the age of eighty-three in Turin. 

"Ah, it's all over, Father," he whispered to Don Bosco, who came to visit him."A few more minutes and I’m leaving for eternity."

- No, no, replied the man of God. The Blessed Virgin still needs you in this world, for the construction of her church.

- I would gladly help you! But see, there's not a shadow of hope.

- And what would you do if Mary Help of Christians gave you back your health?

- For six months straight I would give two thousand liras to your project.

- Well, I'm going back to the children. I will ask them to pray and we will wring out this grace. Have faith!"

Three days later, Don Bosco was in the middle of writing a letter, when he saw his friend healthy and alert at his door, quite excited to bring the promised donation in person. The man lived for another three years, and did not stop to help the Servant of God in his project until his death.


A. Auffray in Le Bienheureux Don Bosco p. 236

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