January 26 - Our Lady of Life (France) - Birth of Cardinal Charles Journet (1891)

Let us not reduce the mystery of the Blessed Virgin Mary

© Qkiel, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
© Qkiel, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

We should approach the mystery of the Blessed Virgin Mary only with trembling. It is a very profound, very pure, and very luminous mystery, and he who lacks what is necessary to draw near to it - as is the case with each of us, because of our resistance and our mental clumsiness - will inevitably belittle it, or distort it through his own lens.

We must ask the Blessed Virgin herself to open our hearts and to make them transparent, so that we won't reduce her mystery to our measure, but instead be changed in her light.

Cardinal Journet 

Quoted by Mgr Brincard in the preface of Daniel-Ange's book, Touche pas à ma Mère

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
N'hésitez pas, abonnez-vous maintenant. C'est gratuit !