January 20 - Apparition of the Miraculous Medal to Alphonse Ratisbonne (Rome, Italy, 1842) - 4th apparition in Banneux (Belgium) - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153)

Mary dispenses her graces to her children endlessly and abundantly

Vierge à l'enfant avec saint Jérôme et saint Bernard de Clairvaux de Luca Signorelli. Domaine public.
Vierge à l'enfant avec saint Jérôme et saint Bernard de Clairvaux de Luca Signorelli. Domaine public.

Let no one speak of your tenderness (O Virgin Mary) if a single person who ever invoked it in times of need can recall that it has failed them. (...) There is no lack of numerous examples to support this assertion; they are sufficiently well known and widespread for us to pass over them in the interest of brevity. 

It is necessary to know with all certainty that the very frequent miracles, the innumerable benefits, the spiritual visions, the celestial revelations, the sublime consolations of the Holy Mother of the Lord will shine continuously in the universe, until this old world finds its end, at the dawn of the reign which has no end.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church (1090-1153) 

2 Serm. in Assumpt. and Homily 8: The Glory of the Blessed Virgin


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