January 4 - Our Lady of Roses (Italy, 1418)

Mary and God's plan

It was by contemplating in his eternal mind the Virgin, Christ and the Church, that God gave his absolute approval to the whole creation by proclaiming it (in Hebrew) tob meod, (in Latin) valde bona ("very good", Gn 1: 31).

This was the very reason for the great joy that divine Wisdom felt at the idea of the sons of Man:

she saw the only pure and immaculate daughter of Adam;

she saw the Son of Man par excellence, the only just one;

Finally, she saw the human multitude unified in a unique society based on love and truth.

Divine Wisdom contemplated in this form her future incarnation and, in the children of Adam, her own children; and she rejoiced to see that they justified the plan of creation that she suggested to God (cf. Mt 11:19).


Vladimir Soloviev 

Excerpt from La Russie et l'Église universelle, Ed. Albert Savine, Paris, 1889, LXVII, p. 260-261 (Translated)

see also: Marian Encyclopedia


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