December 28 - Holy Innocents - Our Lady of Pontoise (France, 1484) - Death of Benoîte Rencurel of Le Laus (France, 1647)

Cured by Mother Mary on December 28, 1975

Shutterstock/No-Te Eksarunchai
Shutterstock/No-Te Eksarunchai

One day, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Ho Ngoc Anh, a young resident of Saigon (South Vietnam) and promised to cure him on December 28, 1975, after he would receive communion and drink a glass of water from the grotto of Our Lady of Fatima. 

On this date, Ho Ngoc went to the Binh Triêu Charity Home in Saigon, with his parents and siblings. On December 27, 1975, he presented himself to Binh Triêu in his wheelchair, and asked to spend a night of prayer inside the church. The priest agreed, but forgot to inform the nun in charge of the home. At nightfall, when the young man tried to enter the place of worship, the nun who came to close the door refused him entry and he had to spend the night outside.

The next day, Ho Ngoc Anh, all dressed up, on seeing the home's director, expressed his intention to receive communion and drink water from the grotto of Our Lady of Fatima. He was with his parents and Mr. Tri, an architect who had helped build the Marian center. 

At precisely 9 a.m. on December 28, 1975, the priest brought the Blessed Sacrament to Ho Ngoc Anh, who, with the help of the architect, drank water from a glass. At that very moment, the invalid threw his arms up in the air, stood up, then fell back onto his seat, crying out, "Mother!" He had just regained his speech and the movement of his lower limbs!

Believing he must have suffered a stroke, those around him were alarmed, but Ho Ngoc Anh sat up straight, and said, "Don't touch me! Let me pray!" To the priest he declared, "Father, let me get up, you'll see that I can stand." Indeed, he stood up, firm on his legs and refusing any help: "Don't worry; let me walk on my own." He took a few steps and began to recount his painful and wonderful life... 

In an apparition, the Blessed Virgin invited Ho Ngoc Anh to testify and show the urgency of reciting the Rosary, of changing one's life, and of doing penance. 

This miracle had a huge impact on the local people, and the trains to Binh Triêu are packed every December 28!

Notre Dame des Temps Nouveaux issue # 6, 1977

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