December 24 - Vigil of the Nativity

Mary never dreamed of being the Mother of the Messiah


Mary knew, as did all her companions, that one day one of them would become the Mother of the Messiah, just as men, including the apostles, would dream of being the ministers or generals of the great King. To be the mother of this glorious King was therefore the supreme ambition offered to women. 

Mary had learned something else: God, who had come down to cover Moses' "Ark of the Covenant" with his shadow... promised through the prophets to mysteriously return to his people, symbolized by the "Daughter of Zion". "Rejoice, Daughter of Zion, the Lord will come to you as a valiant Savior", repeated Zephaniah and other prophets.

As for being the Mother of the Messiah, she had no thought of it, for God had inspired something quite different in her heart at a very young age: "Lord, I will be all yours; I want to belong only to you" (Lk. 1:34)... This had pushed the prospect of marriage away from her mind: the great feast where the bride became queen for a day did not concern her. 

Without fully understanding how she would escape established customs, she had responded to this intimate call... trusting God to make it happen.

Father René Laurentin

Excerpt from The Authentic Life of Mary

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