December 19 - Holy Mary of Remedies (Portugal)

I went to Medjugorje because I didn't want to miss a chance to meet Mary

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CC BY 2.0/gnuckx

Since I'd been meeting people transformed by their visit to Medjugorje (1), I had a strong desire to go there. I was certainly interested in the sensational aspect of the many testimonials, but my deeper motivation was that I didn't want to miss a chance to meet  Mary if she did indeed visit us in our time in some part of the world.

In terms of miracles and the sensational, it didn't happen to me: I came away with the same minor health problems I'd brought with me (successfully operated on since then). On the other hand, I witnessed beautiful transformations in others. People started to open up about themselves, their faces transformed with smiles. I didn't need any more reasons than that, even though my Cartesian mind is always prompt to mock, with obvious bad faith, the great and obvious signs it has received!

My best memory of Medjugorje is above all the incredibly fraternal spirit that developed among the pilgrims on the sleeper bus. Father Francesco and his clear, friendly talks had a lot to do with it. In fact, everyone went along and opened up to each other as honestly as possible. I saw the Church on earth, made up of young and older people with their weaknesses and wounds. 

I loved how everyone wanted  to serve and share, to dialogue and carry out great projects for the glory of God. And I saw Hope generously shared. And with all that, I'm not even sure I've changed: the only one of the five stones (2) that gives me genuine joy is the Eucharist. For the rest, I have to go through a process of trust and courage.

J - M 's testimonial -

(1) The Marian apparitions at Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina since 1981: Marian Encyclopedia

(2) Rosary prayed with the heart, Eucharist, Bible, fasting, monthly confession.

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