December 18 - Feast of the Virgin Mary’s Expectation of Childbirth (654) established at the Council of Toledo in 656

A unique period of waiting that Mary felt more than anyone

Unsplash/Babak Habibi
Unsplash/Babak Habibi

Even Jews who rejected Christ testify to the precision of this waiting period, acknowledging with the Talmud, at the end of the first century, that "all the dates calculated for the coming of the Messiah have now passed" (Sanhedrin Treatise 97).

This is a proven historical fact: inexplicable as it may seem, in the first century the world's attention was focused on a single point: this remote Roman province. This unique expectation is one that Mary experienced more than any other, in her prayer before the Holy of Holies. It was to be fulfilled for her and for all Christians in the coming of the Savior, at the appointed time.

But for those who didn't accept him, the missed opportunity would long raise questions. 

In their disappointment, the doctors of Israel attempted to reinterpret the waiting period for the coming of the Messiah. In the meantime, "The time (prophesied by Daniel) is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand" (Mk 1:15).

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