August 31 - Orthodox Feast of the Deposition (transfer) of Holy Belt of the Virgin Mary of Hakopratia, Constantinople

"I've become convinced that Mary is really present in Medjugorje"

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I was cautious about everything I had heard about the apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, but I was curious. I had no particular devotion to Mary. Then, by chance, I met L., who was organizing a pilgrimage to "Medj". So I went on the trip.

Once there, nothing dramatic happened. On our first visit to the Cenacle Community, which helps young people to get off hard drugs simply by praying, Sister Elvira and I exchanged a glance on the way out. She gave me two warm pats on the back, which somehow felt like an invitation to do something. Maybe to trust in God more?

The next day, only a few of us were fortunate enough to learn of an apparition at the Oasis of Peace. I didn't see the Virgin Mary, of course, and I can't say I felt anything either. So I prayed, as confidently as I could. But when the visionary, Marija, told us that the Virgin had blessed us all and taken our prayer intentions with her, I felt so happy!

Then L. handed me a little leaflet blessed by the Virgin, and I began to - slowly - realize that I was in the presence of a very, very great Lady.

Skeptics will say, "That doesn't prove anything!" My intention is not to prove anything. Over there, I understood that faith is a mysterious gift that cannot be rationalized... Meanwhile, I felt an almost palpable peace in this village, after being shocked during the bus trip at the still visible traces of the war.

We were all blessed to be present at another apparition just before leaving Medjugorje. Again, there was nothing spectacular about it... Mary was nevertheless working gently and deeply within us. I became convinced that Mary is really there. I can't explain it, I didn't "feel" it physically, and yet I have no doubts about it! And I became aware of the fact that God really does exist!

Ronan (Testimonial given in 2004) 

Adapted from

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