August 12 - St Jane Frances de Chantal (d. 1641) - Our Lady of La Motte (Vesoul, France, 1854)

Let your hearts be empty vessels

Unsplash/Jennifer Latuperisa-Andresen
Unsplash/Jennifer Latuperisa-Andresen

O Most Holy Mother, as you were, the greatest, most capable, and most worthy vessel in the world, you were also more than any other filled with the bitterness and drink of anguish that your Beloved swallowed in that place of torment: ah! What does this teach me, if not to receive tribulations as something shared with the Spouse? 

O Mother most pure, you call us, saying: 'Hey, come, my daughters, let your hearts be all-empty vessels, and my Son will pour into them the dew with which his head is covered, and the drops of the night of his Passion with which his head is sprinkled will be converted into pearls of consolation.' 

My sweetest Mother, hey, give me the grace that from now on I may receive all the little occasions of humiliation, suffering and abjection as little distilled droplets from this precious hair.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Jane Frances Frémyot, baroness of Chantal (1572 -1641) was a French saint from Burgundy, who founded the Order of the Visitation of St. Mary with St. Francis de Sales.

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