April 19 - Our Lady of the Country (Italy, 1559)

My friend is recovering from lung cancer after I gave him a Miraculous Medal

My friend Francois was actively dying of lung cancer. Two days after I gave him a miraculous medal, he was able to eat and drink normally. He then fully recovered after three months. 

He gained 15 kg, after his weight had gone down to only 40 kg. His hair has now grown back with an amazing luster. His prognosis is very good; he is smiling again and he is ready to fight to the finish. He continues to pray, and thanks the Virgin Mary every day for having heard his prayers. 

Personally when I saw him on February 16, 2013, I cried with joy to see that he was recovering. He is still undergoing treatment but we continue to pray until he is completely healed. Thank you Mary and Jesus for hearing our prayers.


Translated from: http://oratorium.die

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