April 17 - Our Lady of Miracles (Italy, 1555)

We should all adopt Mary’s faith

Historians believe Mary was between 12 and 14 years old when Jesus was born. She was a teenager, which may be shocking in our modern culture to be a mother at such a young age. However, in Mary’s culture, having a child at that age was common. Couples got married and had children sooner than they typically do now. So Mary and the people around her didn’t find it odd to get married and have children as a teenager.

It may have been advantageous for Mary to be a teenager when she learned about God’s plan. She was still young enough to have the wonder that young people have but sadly lose as they get older. Jesus urges us to have the sense of wonder that children are known for having. An open heart and a curious mind can strengthen our faith, as referenced explicitly in Matthew 18:3.

Mary’s young age helped her choose admiration for God instead of cynicism which older people typically struggle with. However, Mary was more spiritually mature than her age suggested. God knew her soul and chose her soul out of numerous others to be the earthly mother to the world’s Savior. Mary could handle her calling because she focused on cultivating a bold faith.

(...) From Mary’s example of faith, we can learn how to put our trust in action and know that God will reward us when we do. Mary may have been a teenager when she gave birth to Jesus, but she was mature in faith and trusted God’s plan for her life. Perhaps we should all adopt Mary’s faith.

Lauren McKeithen


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