September 28 - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Issoudun, France, 1854)

"Here I will pour out my gifts"

©Patrice Bon, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.
©Patrice Bon, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Notre-Dame-de-Garaison is a Marian shrine and a Catholic school in Monléon-Magnoac in the Hautes-Pyrénées department of France. This shrine has been a place of pilgrimage since 1515, after the Virgin Mary appeared three times to Anglèze de Sagazan, a young shepherdess, giving her the following messages: "Here I will pour out my gifts"; "I want a chapel to be built"; and "Don't forget to thank God for his blessings".

Immediately, a church was built, which was further enlarged over time.  The place became the birthplace of the congregation of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception of Garaison, who opened a school at the same time, still in existence today.

In 1590, Huguenot soldiers vandalized the church and threw the cedar statue of the Pietà into a fire: it was removed intact after two hours and was venerated as the "miraculous statue, miraculously saved". So many sick people flocked to this place chosen by Mary "to pour out her graces", that both the place and the Virgin received the title of "healing", in the local patois: "Our Lady of Garaison".

In the 19th century, the congregation of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception (known as the Fathers of Garaison) was founded along with a school. The statue of Mary was crowned by Bishop Laurence in 1865 and the first chaplains of the Lourdes shrine, in particular Father Rémi Sempé, came from Garaison.

On September 1, 2015, the Congregation of Holy Cross, founded in Le Mans by Blessed Father Basile Moreau (1837) and whose mission  is the education of youth and the support of the family through Marian prayer, arrived at the shrine and took over its management.

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