September 20 – Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Saint Paul Chong Ha-sang and their companions, Korean martyrs – Our Lady of Itati (Argentina)

The words of Heaven are not merely words (II)

© Patrice Bon, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Peinture de Notre-Dame de La Salette (Vierge Marie) s'envolant après avoir parlée à Mélanie Calvat et à Maximin Giraud
© Patrice Bon, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Peinture de Notre-Dame de La Salette (Vierge Marie) s'envolant après avoir parlée à Mélanie Calvat et à Maximin Giraud

"I am a great ignoramus; but if I were a more learned scholar, I could still write nothing of the things above, because the expressions of the greatest scholars do not come up to the shadow of the truth of the language used up there to communicate with each other. The language of Above is a movement of the soul, desires of the soul, impulses of the soul; and the keen eyes of souls understand each other.

So I believe that if we wanted to explain this here on earth, we would fail. And I, especially, who am vile dust, have yet to be born to speak of these things. Let us love the good God with all our heart: that is our science and our wealth. Oh! we should be madly in love with Him, who was the first to be madly in love with us... (...)

I find it very difficult to give an account of something that has no comparison. If, for example, I wanted to explain how I saw the Blessed Virgin, I could only say: I heard her words, I saw the execution of what she said in words, I saw the whole world, I saw the eye of the Lord; it was a picture in action: I saw the blood of those who were put to death, and the blood of the martyrs; but the love of this sweet Virgin spread over me, it took the place of all the rest, it made me melt; I did not think any more, I had no power to do any thinking; I was quite learned then. I spoke, but I did not speak with words; and when the sweet Virgin walked, she did not need to tell me to follow her, certainly not; I was not aware of myself, I forgot that I had feet to walk; I was attracted, I was stuck to this ravishing beauty: Mary!...

If I wanted, I said, to explain all this, I would never, never manage to convey the whole truth..."

Letter from the seer Mélanie to Father Félicien Bliard, dated December 26, 1870, reported in the book Découverte du Secret de La Salette by Fr. Laurentin and Fr. Corteville - Fayard 2002

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