October 30 - Our Lady of Mondovi ( Italy, 1540)

The Coronation of Mary

Today is Sunday, the day in which we pray the glorious mysteries. Let us meditate on the 5th glorious mystery: the Coronation of Mary, whose fruit is Trust in Mary’s Intercession.

The Assumption is immediately followed by Mary's coronation. The angels form a guard of honor for her. Jesus comes to welcome his tender Mother. Mary sees her Son and the Father carried by the Holy Spirit. 

Mary is rewarded for the exemplary nature of her life. She put her trust in God even in times of great trials. Her Son crowns her. The community of saints applauds.

Mary, teach me to trust in your Son's plan for me every day!

Mary, make me understand that our earthly life is only a fleeting moment on the scale of the eternity that awaits us!

Therefore, let us choose Jesus today.

"Your deed of hope will never be forgotten by those who recall the might of God" (Judith 13, 19).

Meditation by Régis and Nicole Burrus

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