October 28 - Our Lady of La Treille (France)

I see Mary as the door to Heaven

I am a beginner at praying the rosary. I pray it during my motorcycle commutes and many times I don't finish it. I leave off a decade because once I get off my bike, I am quickly caught in the everyday demands of work and family. For that same reason I don't really pray it on weekends because I am rarely alone.

My method is to try to keep the mysteries in mind as I pray the Hail Marys, but I either quickly lose track and I stay at contemplating a mystery, or I concentrate on keeping the prayers straight, rarely both at the same time.

As for what the rosary has brought me: already a deeper knowledge of the mysteries, which give me (not each time but regularly) "keys" to understanding them. It makes me want to explore those I know little about, so for a few weeks it was the Transfiguration that appealed to me: I started to read and reread the verses and their commentaries.

I also like to feel the presence of the Father and of Mary as I say the Hail Marys - her gentle and comforting presence; the deepening of a relationship with her whom I like to consider as the door to Heaven, who carries my prayers to the Father much higher than I am able to.

It's not much, but it's already a lot. It's not spectacular but these are the main fruits that I have seen in the past few years.


Contributed by A. P. 

Sept. 2020


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