October 24 - Our Lady Consoler of the Afflicted (Russia) - Our Lady of La Regla (Cuba) - Saint Anthony Mary Claret, founder of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (d. 1870)

The 10 blessings of the Rosary according to the Magisterium of the Popes

  1. Sinners obtain forgiveness;

  2. Thirsty souls are satisfied;

  3. Those who are bound see their fetters broken;

  4. Those who weep find joy;

  5. Those who are tempted find tranquility;

  6. The needy receive help;

  7. The religious are reformed;

  8. The ignorant are instructed;

  9. The living triumph over decay;

  10. The dead find relief through God’s grace.


Source: www.aleteia.org


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