October 20 - Consecration of Portugal to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Portugal, 1646)

The wedding feast at Cana: trusting in Mary

Today is Thursday, the day in which we pray the Luminous Mysteries. Let us meditate on the 2nd Luminous Mystery (Jn 2:1-5), the Wedding Feast at Cana, whose fruit is trust in Mary.

At Cana, Christ changed water into wine, causing a wave of joy among the guests. This miracle prefigured the institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday evening, and opened the hearts of his disciples to faith. This happened thanks to the intervention of Mary, the first of the believers. Mary continues to say to us, her children, "Do whatever He tells you."

The Blessed Virgin Mary fully knows full well the limitations that dim our lives; if we surrender our whole being to her, she will help us to discern the will of Jesus for us. This first miracle took place during a wedding feast, the sign of the immense richness that family and marriage constitute.

Let us listen to the voice of Mary in our hearts, for she has the keys to lead us to Jesus. She was sensitive to the happiness and worries of some people who were celebrating a wedding. We should make her Queen of our family.

Lord, you granted your Mother's wish at Cana: give us to understand how important it is to entrust our lives to Mary, so that, under her guidance and strengthened by her example, we may bear much fruit.


Meditation submitted by Notre Dame de France

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