October 14 - Our Lady of the Fountain (Italy, 1320)

Let us ask Mary for the courage to suffer for the truth

Today is Friday, the day of the sorrowful mysteries. Let us meditate on the 2nd sorrowful mystery, the scourging of Jesus at the pillar, whose fruit is the mortification of our senses and our bodies:

"Though harshly treated, he submitted and did not open his mouth; Like a lamb led to slaughter or a sheep silent before shearers, he did not open his mouth. " (Is 53: 7) 

Like a condemned Lamb, Jesus accepts the sentence of scourging.  He gives his body to the executioners without a single gesture of rebellion. Out of love for us, he consents to the ignominious torture.  

How many times, in situations so much less painful, have we expressed our discontent?  

Faced with the injustice and disrespect for human life from conception to natural death, we often remain silent, even indifferent.  Yet, every time the dignity of the body is violated, it is the Body of Jesus that suffers and is scourged again.

Let us offer to him all the situations when we have felt offended and let us be brave in defending the right to life.

Meditation written by Sister Bernaud and the Honor Guard of the Sacred Heart

Note: Formed as an Association of the Faithful, the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart began on March 13th, 1863, at the Monastery of the Visitation of Holy Mary at Bourg-en-Bresse, France. The result of much hard work on the part of Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, the Guard of Honor quickly spread throughout the whole world. It focuses on the Hour of Watch, which consists in choosing an hour and offering it each day to the Heart of Jesus, without changing our ordinary activities (work) and uniting the offering of our daily life to the offering of the Blood and the Water that sprang forth from the Wound of Jesus' Heart.

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