November 4 - Saint Charles Borromeo, cardinal, bishop of Milan (d. 1584) - Our Lady of Pötsch (Mariapocs, Hungary)

Blessed Mother, what else can I say except “Thank you!”

Blessed Mother, what else can I only say except “Thank you”!!! This word is almost trite compared to what I really want to express, but I don't have any other, so thank you. Thank you for all the little joys you have provided for me everyday since my conversion in 2020 - I was one of those lukewarm people who practice their religion at the bare minimum. I have received nothing but happiness after happiness from you, like the concert of Glorious in Reunion Island... There was only one day available, October 29, and all the tickets were sold out, to my great disappointment... so without wasting a second, I asked you to go and find one for me, because I really wanted to go.

After all, are you not the one who wants us to lay our burdens at your feet so that you can take care of everything? I did just that, and you did a fantastic job, because you exceeded all my wishes! I still chuckle when I think about it:  

Two weeks after I said this prayer, not only did they add a date, October 28, so I could get my tickets, but you didn't stop there... there were no more hotels available that weekend, but I was able to find lodgings on the same day for my family after the concert! And on top of that, even though there was a problem with my credit card, I was able to pay for the hotel with PayPal... But that’s not all! Because you said that you provide for everything, the icing on the cake was that I got a 15€ discount on the price!

This is one of my many little miracles, as I like to call them... and a beautiful lesson I received from my heavenly Mother who always provides for those who ask her.

Mickaëlle S

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on October 10, 2022


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