May 31 – Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

Mary undid every single one of my “knots” in less than a month !

My life was dull and I felt like I was stagnating and never making any progress. I had been unemployed for many months; sent out about 60 resumés and had a dozen job interviews, but the answers were always negative despite my good professional skills and my 5-year degree. I had applied for a training course, but had never received a reply to my application.

I also had been single for six years, because I only met men who didn't have my best interests in mind and just wanted to use me. On top of all that, I had wanted to buy a car for a long time but couldn't afford one.

One day, I heard about Mary Undoer of Knots, so I decided to start the novena. It has been an incredible miracle in my life! I never imagined that it could be so powerful. Just on the second day of the novena, I was able to buy the car that I had been trying to get for two years! On the sixth day of the novena, I was accepted for the training program I had applied for. Three days after my novena ended, I found out that I had been accepted for my dream job!

And three weeks later, I met a loving, respectful and caring man who I am still with today. I couldn't believe that in less than a month, Mary was able to miraculously undo all the knots that were holding me back in my life, and yet it all happened! Today, I am thriving and loving my life because of Mary. I recommend this novena to everyone, because it will really help you in great ways, and very quickly. Thank you Mary for hearing and fulfilling my prayers! Amen.


Anonymous, January 25, 2021

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth

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