May 28 – Our Lady of Carmine (Italy, 1663)

“I received the grace to stop watching pornography”

Thank you Lord and thank you Mary Undoer of Knots for your intercession, because I am now free from my addiction to pornography.

I watched pornographic movies for 8 years. I wanted to be free from this addiction, but I could not. I tried to quit many times, but I couldn't.

Then I did this novena to Mary of Knots and managed to stop watching those movies!

Since the novena ended over a year ago, I haven't watched this type of movie. Thank you Mary Undoer of Knots

P. C.

Testimonial of a participant from one of the "2021 Retreats of Trust in Mary Undoer of Knots" (Cotignac, Le Laus, L'Ile Bouchard, Marienthal)

Find out more about these retreats here

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