The country of Benin is emblematic of the extent of devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots in Africa.
The devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots (Maliya kantounamétô) has spread to all the parishes of the large African cities. Father Zacharie Kpossou, pastor of the parish of Sainte-Marie-Mère-de-Dieu in Gang ban, in the diocese of Porto-Novo in Benin, says:
"Prayer groups to Mary Undoer of Knots are present in practically all the parishes of the big cities. In the suburbs, we also find them, although they are more informal. On the other hand, what is impressive is to see that Mary Undoer of Knots speaks to every man and woman, young and old, of all ages and in every place, in every corner of the country."
The list of the different places of devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots around the world confirms the words of Father Zacharie Kpossou. All the efforts of the first people who tried to launch it would have borne less fruit and touched fewer hearts if the painting itself did not speak directly to the heart and soul of those who see it. It has powerful symbolic and theological content.
Isabelle Rolland, Marie qui défait les nœuds: d’un miracle conjugal à une dévotion universelle (Mary Undoer of Knots: from a marital miracle to a universal devotion). Paris, MDN productions, 2022