May 25 – Our Lady of the Sea (Aix-en-Provence, France)

This novena is so powerful!


Denis Bourgerie and his wife were also instrumental in popularizing the devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots In Brazil. Bourgerie was working as a pilot when he moved to Brazil in the 1970s and decided to become a missionary of the Virgin Mary in Campinas.

In 1999, he made a trip to visit the most important Catholic sites in Argentina: the ruins of the Jesuit mission of San Ignacio Miní, the Maria do Rosário Shrine in San Nicolas, the Church of Our Lady of the Miracles in Santa Fe, and other places. It was during this trip, while walking through the streets of Buenos Aires, that he learned of a Catholic Marian shrine, where the Virgin Mary is venerated under a name he was not familiar with, in the church of San José del Talar. He went there and was amazed at both the picture of Mary Undoer of Knots and at the vast crowds that came to petition her.

Bourgerie obtained a replica of the painting from the parish priest of San José del Talar, and installed it in the shrine of "Mary Gateway to Heaven" in Campinas, which he had built with other lay people. "We were amazed at the response. The novena is so powerful," he said in December 2001.

He then created special rituals to go with the novena, to make the devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots more concrete: each person asking for a grace wrote their intention on a piece of paper tied with a ribbon, and placed it in a basket at the foot of the painting.

The Campinas press reports that the number of faithful visiting the Shrine was considerable beginning in the year 2000. Masses had to be celebrated outside. Denis Bourgerie bought the huge adjacent nightclub in 2006, and transformed it into the Brazilian Shrine of Mary Undoer of Knots. State-of-the-art staging and online broadcasts are contributing to the growing success of the devotion there. In addition, Bourgerie and his wife, a physician, built the pain therapy and palliative care center "Lo Tedhal" near the shrine.

Isabelle Rolland, Marie qui défait les nœuds: d’un miracle conjugal à une dévotion universelle (Mary Undoer of Knots: from a marital miracle to a universal devotion). Paris, MDN productions, 2022

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