May 21 – Our Lady of Ergot Poisoning Victims (Holy Fire or St Anthony’s Fire, Arras, France, 1105) – Death of Mary of Jesus of Ágreda, Spanish nun and mystic (1665)

Heaven and earth were created for Jesus and Mary

Before all other creatures, She was conceived in the divine mind, in such manner and such state as befitted and became the dignity, excellence and gifts of the humanity of her most holy Son. To her flowed over, at once and immediately, the river of the Divinity and its attributes with all its impetuosity, in as far as a mere creature is capable and as is due to the dignity of the Mother of God.

In the knowledge of these exalted mysteries and decrees, I confess myself ravished in admiration and transported beyond my proper self. … In my admiration I can say with St. Dionysius the Areopagite: “If faith would not instruct me, and if the understanding of what I see would not teach me, that it is God, who has conceived her in his mind, and who alone could and can in his Omnipotence form such an image of his Divinity, if this all were not present to my mind, I might begin to doubt, whether the Virgin Mother contain not in Herself Divinity.”

[...] God determined to create a locality and an abode, where the incarnate Word and his Mother should converse and dwell. For them primarily did He create heaven and earth with its stars and elements and all that is contained in them.

Mary of Jesus of Agrega, The Mystical City of God, Book 1 Chapter 2

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