May 20 – Our Lady of Graces (Cuneo, Italy, 1537)

Mary Undoer of Knots helps resolve family issues

My husband and I have been married for 13 years and are the happy parents of 5 children. As a mixed atheist and catholic couple, we have managed to live together as best we could, respecting each other, and making sure that the spiritual life of our children could thrive.

When our children entered their teenage years, conflicts started to arise. We decided to entrust our stumbling blocks to Mary Undoer of Knots by praying the novena.

Together, we attended an Alpha course (Introduction to the Christian life program), which resulted in my husband joining in our daily family evening prayer and discovering that his children were praying fervently for his conversion. The Lord answered their prayer and he was baptized at Easter. Deo Gratias!

Our family is now registered at the Shrine of Alençon as a spiritual member of the Louis and Zélie family. We receive a monthly letter that nourishes our individual daily prayer. It is also helpful to know that the Shrine is praying for us.

We have since invited two couples of parishioners whom we did not really know. We have set up a small makeshift prayer corner in our garage and we have families over once a month for a time of prayer for the parents while the children play. Afterwards, we all share a meal.

Between each meeting, we pray as a family daily and especially for the intentions written down by each family. We pray for our children, and our children pray for us. In communion, we entrust our intentions to Mary, like children do with their parents. And we try to live our faith in today's world, with its challenges and unique characteristics.

Thank you to Mary Undoer of Knots for granting us such graces!

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth

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