Hello, today I want to thank Mary Undoer of Knots with all my heart. I had been unemployed since 2018 and, in my head, I couldn’t really imagine what job I really wanted to do.
One day, I decided to submit my resumé to a company, to work as a home helper with the elderly and disabled, although I have absolutely no experience in this delicate field! So I started to say the prayer of Mary Undoer of Knots: on the second day of the novena I took my little booklet to read it and at that moment I received a call from the company to which I had applied, asking me if I was available!
Whatever the cause of the "knots", the fact of presenting them to the Virgin Mary, our "Heavenly Mother", allows us to become aware of the difficult situation and pray to be healed or delivered from the knots which poison our life.
My affirmative answer was not long in coming so I had my job interview the same day and the next day I started my job with elderly disabled people. Today, I feel very comfortable in my work with these people who bring me a real renewal of the heart.
Thank you Heavenly Mother!
Testimony sent to Mary of Nazareth