May 9 – Our Lady of the Woods (Italy, 1607)

Marian apparition in Cuapa, Nicaragua: “If you don't change, you will hasten the arrival of the Third World War” (I)

In 1994, Nicaragua Bishop Bosco M. Vivas Robelo of the Diocese of Leon approved the Marian apparitions in Cuapa to Bernardo Martinez in 1980. 

It all started on April 15, 1980 in the little town of Cuapa, 59 miles northeast from the capital of Managua. Bernardo, then a sacristan, was in an old chapel when he saw a statue of the Blessed Mother emanating “supernatural light.”

In 1994, Nicaragua Bishop Bosco M. Vivas Robelo of the Diocese of Leon approved the Marian apparitions in Cuapa to Bernardo Martinez in 1980. In doing so, he stated “I hereby authorize the publication of the story of the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cuapa and the messages given to Bernardo Martinez... May this publication help those who read it to have an encounter with Jesus Christ in the Church through the mediation of the Mother of Our Lord.”

Bernardo later became a priest.

It all started on April 15, 1980 in the little town of Cuapa, 59 miles northeast from the capital of Managua. Bernardo, then a sacristan, was in an old chapel when he saw a statue of the Blessed Mother emanating “supernatural light.”

He later insisted to the bishop that “the light came from her” and that it was “a great mystery for me, with the light that came from her one could walk without tripping and it was nighttime.”

The following month, May, the Blessed Mother finally appeared to Bernardo. First, there was a lightning flash which was followed by the apparition of the Blessed Mother who stood on a pure white cloud.

[...] The Blessed Mother told Bernardo: “I want the Rosary to be prayed every day... I want it to be prayed permanently, within the family ... including the children old enough to understand ... to be prayed at a set hour when there are no problems with the work in the home.”

The Blessed Mother also said: “Love each other. Comply with your obligations. Make peace. Don't ask Our Lord for peace because if you do not make it there will be no peace.”

Later, Bernardo explained: “She told me that the Lord does not like prayers we make in a rush or mechanically. Because of that she recommended praying of the Rosary with the reading of biblical citations and that we put into practice the Word of God.”

The Blessed Mother also pleaded: “Renew the five first Saturdays. You received many graces when all of you did this.”

Then she added: “Nicaragua has suffered much since the earthquake. She is threatened with even more suffering. She will continue to suffer if you don't change.

“Pray, pray, my son, the Rosary for all the world. Tell believers and non-believers that the world is threatened by grave dangers. I ask the Lord to appease His justice, but, if you don't change, you will hasten the arrival of the Third World War.”

Ding Cervantes, January 20, 2022

Adapted from


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