Father Jakob Rem, a priest known for his fervor and gift of spiritual discernment, was much loved by his students, who continued to come visit him until his death. One of his former students was Wolfgang Langenmantel, an aristocrat, who had married Sophia Rentz. Their marriage was in trouble in the year 1612: the couple constantly quarreled, and the situation became so unbearable that they seriously considered divorcing, although they were devout Catholics. It was then that Wolfgang Langenmantel thought of asking Father Rem for advice. He walked to the monastery in Ingolstadt where he lived. The two men prayed long and fervently before the painting of Mater Ter Admirabilis. Father Rem asked Wolfgang Langenmantel to continue visiting him. Langenmantel went back to Ingolstadt four times to meet and pray with the priest. On the third visit, Father Rem suggested that Wolfgang Langenmantel bring his wedding ribbon the next time.
This wedding ribbon was a beautiful local custom: during the exchange of vows, the joined hands of the bride and groom were wrapped in a wedding ribbon, symbolizing the indissoluble nature of their union. The bride and groom then kept the ribbon as a visible sign of their mutual commitment before God.
On September 28, 1615, something extraordinary and decisive for the couple happened in the monastery chapel. While he was praying, Father Rem was inspired to present the wedding ribbon, with as many knots as there were marital problems, before the painting of the Virgin Mater Ter Admirabilis. As he prayerfully untied the last knot, the ribbon became "dazzlingly white". At the same time, Wolfgang Langenmantel felt inwardly that he was free of resentment, and his marriage was saved. Thus, their prayer had been answered in two ways: in Wolfgang Langenmantel's heart, and by a visible sign, namely the whiteness of the ribbon.
The story of this marital miracle, recorded in the ex-voto of the painting of Mary Undoer of Knots, is producing fruits today that no one could have imagined. It has given life to a new devotion, especially thanks to the future Pope Francis. Dedicated lay people, artists, priests and popular fervor accomplished the rest.
Isabelle Rolland. Marie qui défait les nœuds. D’un “miracle conjugal” à une dévotion universelle (Mary Undoer of Knots: From a "marital miracle" to a universal devotion). MDN 2022