March 20 – 3rd Sunday of Lent – Our Lady of Abundance (Italy, 1603)

Like Mary, we can nourish Christ with our good deeds!

Eve took some food, and as a result we were condemned to an eternal fast; Mary gave some food, and the entrance to the feast of Heaven was opened to us.

The Virgin Mary was the one who conceived Christ in her womb, but all the chosen ones can carry him in their hearts with love. Blessed, yes very blessed the woman who carried Jesus inside her for nine months! Happy, we too, when we strive to carry him unceasingly in our hearts.

It was certainly a great marvel that Christ was conceived in Mary's womb, but it is no less marvelous to see him as a guest in our hearts... Mary nourished Christ by giving the milk of her breast to his lips, and we too can offer him the varied meal of good deeds that are his delight.

Saint Peter Damian (d. 1072), hermit and later bishop of Ostia, cardinal and doctor of the Church

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