March 7 – Apparition of the Madonna Del Monte Berico (Italy, 1426)

With her "Yes", Mary opened the door of the Kingdom for us

"God wants worshippers in spirit and in truth," so that his children may be definitively established in the likeness of the Son of God. But the Kingdom of which Jesus spoke will only come when its King is enthroned on earth by his victory over "the prince of this world". For "to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God." It is therefore also through Mary, Mother of Jesus, her firstborn son, that this birth and this introduction into the Kingdom of God takes place.

To all the brothers of Jesus, which we become by receiving him if we want to, because we must freely accept him, is offered a divine and eternal destiny. But we do not always realize this clearly. We stumble through life's twists and turns, only to find ourselves in potentially fatal dead ends. However, even in extreme situations, God can free us if we allow him, because God does not force anyone, as we have learned from Jesus. If we accept, even though we are wounded and altered, nothing is lost. The important thing is to finish well, to end up in the arms of the Father, to find ourselves safely in his Kingdom of eternal life, which will only be populated by saved souls. 

However, one exceptional being did not experience the illness of sin, even though she suffered her share of affliction and pain, oh so heavy! (...) The only creature who did not distort her human condition, keeping it immaculate, just as it came from the creative hands of God, is Mary. She alone preserved the honor of humanity when she accepted her destiny and pronounced her Fiat.

This Fiat makes her the first of the "yes-sayers", opening the way to a host of others who, by accepting Jesus, do the Will of the Father. Whereas all descendants of Adam and Eve, infected by sin and therefore doomed to go astray as a result of the divine wrath, the Son of Mary and Son of God made amends for us on the Cross. He restores us to the friendship of God. Better still, he makes us sons of the Father by adoption, and spiritual sons and daughters of Mary, whom he has established as our mother since his agony on the Cross.



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