March 6 – First Sunday of Lent – Our Lady of Graces (Padua, Italy, 1630)

This Lent, let’s take up our rosaries and journey with Mary!

In this Lenten season, a time of rest and spiritual renewal, every baptized person is invited to turn to the Virgin Mary, more than ever, to contemplate and imitate her. It was Mary who made herself available to the Father's voice and let him take flesh in her. Mary’s greatest desire is to inspire her children to become fruitful like her, and to become missionaries. Yes, praying to Mary is particularly adapted to this time of silence, fasting and giving.

During Lent we sometimes struggle to meet God and repent, so strong are the noises and distractions of the world that get in the way of prayer. To help us say “yes” to God in all situations, here is a Lenten prayer composed by Father Jean-Paul Hoch, a priest for ten years in the Central African Republic (1978-1988) and Superior General of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (from 2004 to 2012):

"When comes the time of answering God’s call, Mary of the Annunciation, help us to say "yes". When comes the time for us to leave, Mary of Egypt, wife of Joseph, kindle Hope in us. When comes the time of misunderstanding, Mary of Jerusalem, increase our patience. When comes the time to speak up, Mary of Cana, give us the courage to say a humble word. When comes the time of suffering, Mary of Golgotha, make us stay with those in whom your Son suffers. When comes the time of waiting, Mary of the Upper Room, inspire us to pray together. And every day, when the joyful hour of service beckons, Mary of Nazareth, Mary of the mountains of Judah, put your servant's heart in us; until the day when, taking your hand, Mary of the Assumption, we shall fall asleep, awaiting the day of our resurrection.”

We should not forget that the recitation of the Rosary is a very powerful and fruitful means of fighting daily against the most subtle manifestations of evil. So during this Lent, let us take up our rosaries to find the courage to fast, to perform any other kind of self-mortification, and to nourish our faith, knowing that we will not come out of this desert empty-handed.

Isabelle Cousturier

Adapted and translated from: Aleteïa

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