March 2 – Ash Wednesday – 8th and last apparition at Banneaux (Belgium, 1933) – 13th apparition at Lourdes (France, 1858) – Pius XI’s apostolic letter “Galliam, Ecclesiae Filiam Primogenitam” calls France the "Kingdom of Mary" (1922)

Fourteen of the 18 Lourdes apparitions took place during Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season, a time of conversion and a journey towards Easter.

In Lourdes, 14 of the 18 apparitions took place during Lent of 1858. The other four act as “bookends” of the series: two before and two after. 

Mary first spoke to Bernadette during the apparition that followed Ash Wednesday. She asked her: "Would you be so kind as to come here for a fortnight?"

She then came 13 times, on mostly consecutive days, with two one-day breaks. It is during this set of thirteen apparitions, inaugurating Lent, that Mary asked to pray for sinners, for their conversion, and insisted on penance.

F. Breynaert

Library of Marian Writings

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