June 15 - Feast of All the Churches in the Holy Land

"Mary saved our son!"

46 years ago, our little Luc-Emmanuel, who was born just after Christmas, became severely dehydrated. It was during the hot season (very hot), in a small town in Burkina Faso (at that time Upper Volta, Africa). We only had electricity for two hours in the evening.

His father, a military doctor, was on a leprosy tour in the whole area, and was not home. Our son had diarrhea, and vomiting, he could not be rehydrated by mouth. When his dad returned, the epicranial intravenous fluids were administered too late. Our son started to have convulsions and stopped breathing.

We ran to the church, a few miles away, to implore Our Lady in front of her altar. Mary listened to us and Luc started breathing again!

Immediately we left for the hospital in Ouagadougou, 105 km from our home, driving very fast on a rough road, hitting a goat in our rush! There we found a fellow pediatrician. The examinations were good: Luc was saved!

This happened on the Saturday after Easter 1976.

A medical evacuation followed and for Luc a stay at the Necker Hospital (the Children’s Hospital in Paris): he had no lasting problems. Mary was watching over him!

Thank you to Our Lady of Kaya for your compassionate help!

C. L.

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth, March 27, 2022

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