June 2 – Our Lady of Fosseta (Italy)

A new Breton pilgrimage in which Mary goes to visit the shrines of her mother Saint Anne

Tanguy and Claire de Penfentenyo can attest to the fact that the Virgin Mary touches people's hearts. This French couple are the organizers of the "Troménie (1) de Marie", a unique 72-day long pilgrimage set to depart from Nantes on June 18, 2022, and to cover 1100 kilometers (683 miles) across Brittany. 

Because they loved the new 3-month long pilgrimage of "The M of Mary (2)" which took place in the summer of 2020, the couple decided to create something similar for their region. 

"More than a pilgrimage, the “Troménie” is about Mary coming on a visit to her mother, Saint Anne, and to the people of Brittany," Tanguy de Penfentenyo enthusiastically told Aleteia. Accustomed to organizing pilgrimages, this Brittany enthusiast was convinced by his wife to organize a Breton version of the "M of Mary". His wife Claire says, "I participated in the M of Mary for a week [during the Brittany segment] and I thought that this great Marian pilgrimage should continue in Brittany, the home of the Virgin's mother."

For more information visit: https://www.latromeniedemarie.bzh/

(1) A “troménie” ("tour of the holy places") is a type of traditional Breton pilgrimage of atonement (Pardon) consisting of a long procession between Marian sanctuaries.

(2) During the "M of Mary", two carriages carrying a statue of the Virgin Mary, crossed France from June to September 2021, to trace the "M" of Mary, linking the different places of Marian apparitions in the country, covering more than 2,000 km, with new pilgrims joining at each stage.


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