July 26 – Saints Anne and Joachim, parents of the Virgin Mary

The great fruits of our consecration to Mary

Whoever has consecrated himself to Mary belongs to her in a special way. He has become like a shrine to the Blessed Virgin.

The image of Mary helps him to energetically reject all evil thoughts. The love of Mary gives him the courage to undertake great things, to overcome human respect, to shake off selfishness, to serve and obey patiently. With his gaze fixed inwardly on her, he becomes attached to the purity, compassion, and charity with which the Virgin's soul was radiant. He hates sin, he fights it within himself and opposes it with all his strength.

When he sees the Immaculate Virgin trampling the infernal serpent underfoot, when he contemplates the Mother of God who raises her divine Son, his will can no longer have any complacency for evil: on the contrary, he is proud to belong to Jesus and Mary, and he knows that Mary urges him to do everything that Jesus commands or desires.

Radio message of Pope Pius XII to the faithful of Brittany gathered at the Shrine of Saint Anne of Auray on Saturday, July 1954.


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