July 11 - Saint Benedict of Nursia, abbot (founder of the Benedictine Order, d. 547) - Dedication of the Cathedral Shrine of Our Lady of Puy, Queen of France (France)

The Benedictine Order and the Virgin Mary

The Order of St. Benedict (O.S.B.), better known as the Benedictine Order, was founded in 529 by St. Benedict of Nursia (480-547) at Mount Cassino in Italy.

Pope Benedict XVI wrote this about Benedict’s spiritual quest:

“Seeking among the ashes of the Roman Empire first of all the Kingdom of God, Benedict perhaps unknowingly scattered the seed of a new civilization that would develop, integrating Christian values with the classical heritage on the one hand, and on the other, the Germanic and Slav cultures.

[...] Benedict, unlike other great monastic missionaries of his time, did not found a monastic institution whose principal aim was the evangelization of the barbarian peoples; he pointed out to his followers the search for God as the fundamental and indeed, one and only aim of life: "Quaerere Deum" [to seek God].

He knew, however, that when the believer enters into a profound relationship with God, he cannot be content with a mediocre life under the banner of a minimalistic ethic and a superficial religiosity. In this light one can understand better the expression that Benedict borrowed from St Cyprian and summed up in his Rule (IV, 21), the monks' programme of life: "Nihil amori Christi praeponere", "Prefer nothing to the love of Christ". Holiness consists of this, a sound proposal for every Christian that has become a real and urgent pastoral need in our time, when we feel the need to anchor life and history to sound spiritual references.

Mary Most Holy is a sublime and perfect model of holiness who lived in constant and profound communion with Christ. Let us invoke her intercession, together with St Benedict's, so that in our time too the Lord will multiply men and women who, through witnessing to an enlightened faith in their lives, may be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in this new millennium."


Pope Benedict XVI - Angelus, July 10, 2005 (excerpt) 


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