January 27 – St. Mary of the Angels (Aix-en-Provence, France) – Coptic Marian Feast of the Dormition – St. Angela Merici

God gave Mary a husband whom he designed for her

For the consolation of the Blessed Virgin, God gave her for a husband a man whom he had designed for her, so that, being alike in natural character and virtue, they would both long for the fulfillment of the greatest of all mysteries. The marriage of Joseph and Mary was the work of Heaven itself. They were both chosen by God's wisdom, formed for each other by God's command, and united to each other by God's Spirit.

St. Joseph, more blessed than other men, was joined to God through the Virgin; in loving his wife, he loved the Mother of God. He saw nothing in her that did not inspire him to piety. Her words elevated him to God, her looks sanctified his heart, her modesty regulated all his actions, and her beauty, by a perpetual miracle, gave rise only to chaste thoughts in his mind: the beauty of the Virgin, who had never had any dealings with sin, being harmoniously infused with grace, commanded respect, inspired modesty, diffused holiness, stirred up chaste desires, and purified the eyes of those who looked at her, and redirected all thoughts toward God.

Bishop Esprit Fléchier (+ 1710)

Bishop of Nîmes (southern France), one of the greatest preachers of the 17th century

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