January 14 – Our Lady of Bargemon (France) – Our Lady of the Lamp (Rome, Italy)

The extraordinary graces dispensed by Our Lady of Bargemon

On March 17, 1635, the Virgin Mary healed a parishioner of the small village of Bargemon in southeastern France (Var department) and delivered a message announcing conversions, cures and works of charity. After this apparition there followed 150 years of extraordinary graces. The rector of the time, Brother Raphael, affirmed: "Nowhere else in the world does the Virgin give as many graces as in Bargemon."

This was the fourth time that Mary had appeared in France, after Le-Puy-en-Velay, Notre Dame des Trois Épis and Cotignac. In 1641, the local bishop officially recognized the apparition.

After the French Revolution, the shrine fell into oblivion. It was revived in 2016, and is now part of the parish church of Bargemon. Pilgrimages have resumed, and the Blessed Virgin has given graces of conversion, healing, answered prayers and new works of charity.

The first of these works is the welcoming of Christian refugees from the Middle East who, along with numerous volunteers, are in turn devoting their time and energy to promote the Shrine of Notre-Dame de Bargemon.

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