February 24 – Nativity of St. John the Baptist in the Eastern Churches (1st century) – 8th apparition at Lourdes (France, 1858)

Mary never thought of herself (II)

But after having always ignored herself, how could Mary perceive at this moment when all that had remained of herself was disappearing in him; when her whole being was forever immersed in his mystery, to be nothing but a living relationship with him?

Supremely stripped of her own self, all that she could do was to give herself eternally, in this Child whom she had conceived from the Spirit, not as the glorified image of herself - but as the splendor of the Father's glory in the transparency of her poverty.

Her very motherhood consummated her disappropriation. She was truly, in a unique sense, "The Poor Woman." "As I was very small, I pleased the Most High and gave birth in my womb to him who is God and man."


Maurice Zundel (1897-1975)

Swiss Catholic priest and theologian


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