February 22 –Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, apostle – Blessed Isabella of France (d. 1270), Abbess, founder of a convent dedicated to the Humility of Our Lady

Mary always answers!

This morning, December 11, 2021, I woke up around 3:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, so I turned on my phone and opened an app that has meditations to help pray the rosary. 

Then I saw a message from G.'s wife, a person with a mild mental disability. She told me that G. would not be going to the next day's First Communion class...nor to any more classes. I was sorry to hear that. 

So I started to pray my rosary for them. I had not finished it yet, when I heard the phone vibrate. It was a message from G.'s wife again, telling me that her husband wanted to go to the class on that day and continue to prepare!

O joy! Mary always answers, and so quickly! Thank you Mary!

T. C.

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on Dec. 12, 2021 


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